Micro World


Dr. Jan Schmoranzer



Parc Floral de Vincennes PARIS


Green sounds world ‘at’ gmail ‘dot’ com

Microscope photography: © Dr. Jan Schmoranzer




GreenSoundsWorld ‘at’ gmail ‘dot’ com

2020 climate symphony, Neustart Kultur, Musikfonds

2021 climate symphony, Neustart Kultur, GEMA

2022 plantmusic film Call me by my name, Neustart Kultur, DKV

2023 artist in residence Aug-Sept BHROX bauhaus reuse mit

        Nachhaltigkeitsspaziergängen über den Ernst-Reuter-Platz

        Gefördert vom Kulturbeirat Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf

2023 plantmusic as part of vivas! Mindchangers/SEZ, 

        Buenos Aires / Southern Germany

The sound artist and composer Cassis B Staudt studied music at the Staatl. Musikhochschule Hamburg and during her 24-year stay in New York at Juilliard University. As a producer in Jim Jarmusch's team, she received the Palme d'Or for one of the short films 'Coffee and Cigarettes' and had the idea and wrote music for the Oscar-nominated film 'Ferry Tales'. In 2014 she moved to Berlin and in 2020 began to make plants audible  through various Neustart Kultur grants from Musikfonds, GEMA, Dt. Musikrat involving various sensors via the process of bio data sonification.

Film music is her profession and plant music her vocation. For years she has been working on a climate symphony in which the plants take center stage. They always sound different depending on the plant species, condition and interaction with humans. 

As part of the SEZ/EU funding mindchangers, Cassis B worked with the Argentinian choreographer Liliana Tasso on a plant art performance in Buenos Aires in 2023, which was taken up again in southern Germany and presented at the mindchangers future impact summit. In 2024, she successfully offered plant music sustainability walks on two weekends at cemeteries via the Treptow district office. In 2024, Cassis' plant music received a lot of attention from the press (taz, BZ, das Magazin, Sat1 Frühstücksfernsehen). Recently she wrote the score for 

'Die Unbeugsamen 2’. Further information, as well as audio and video clips, can be found on Cassis B Staudt's homepage:


a green sounds world

The artist and plant ambassador Cassis B Staudt makes plants “sing”. The sound is produced through biodata sonification. To do this, electrodes are attached to the leaves of the plant. The electrodes transmit electrical impulses from the plant, which are generated during photosynthesis, by touch or by adding water, for example. The signals can be fed with pre-produced “notes” via synthesizers, samplers and other midi instruments. The first musical fragments obtained in this way can now be transformed into individual compositions. A wide variety of projects have been created on this basis. 

The energy (meaning the bio-chemical process in the plant) is really translated into music. These musical fragments are spontaneous, individual compositions of the plant:

Instagram @cassisbmusic